Building Trust Neurogetics™ Leadership SCHEDULE YOUR CONSULTATION



Struggling with two or more of these? Your teams might be battling Trust issues!

Toxic Work Environment

Are you struggling to build a culture of innovation, productivity, agility?

Low Productivity

Are you finding it hard to achieve sustainable high productivity?

Low appetite for Risk

Are employees reluctant to take risks and playing safe?

Leaders working in Silos

Are leaders focused only on their own functions and departments?

Slow decisions

Is the speed of decision making impacting your organization's performance?

High Stress

Are employees experiencing High-Stress levels?




Trust is incredibly powerful and offers a competitive advantage to individuals and organizations.

Better Relationships

Where there is no trust, relationships decay, projects fail, customers go to competitors, initiatives under-perform, and work grinds to a crawl.

Think Trust - Think Oxygen

Trust is the economic driver that directly impacts business results. Just like oxygen sustains all life on this planet, so does Trust. When Trust is present, everything flourishes and grows. When Trust is absent, everything withers and dies.

Consistently OutPerform

High-trust individuals and organizations consistently outperform.

Productivity & Innovation

Trust breaks down silos, improves communication resulting in high performance, productivity and innovation.

Agile and Responsive Organization

Trust is THE CATALYST that accelerates decision and response leading to long term success.

Soaring Profits and Results

When trust is present, it guarantees results every single time. 

Trust Talks

Welcome to Trust Talks – a compelling series that dives deep into the power and impact of Trust. Our mission? To shine a spotlight on how Trust shapes leaders, strengthens teams, transforms organizations, and uplifts communities.

What did 10,000 People Say About Trust in Their Workplace?

10,000 people in 67 companies across 19 industries. That's how many executives, middle managers, and front-line employees that Dr Michelle Reina spoke to and asked them about workplace trust.
So, what insights does this 25 years of research provide for you, your team, and for your business?
Tell Me More




As Reina Certified Master Practitioners, we provide  consulting and coaching services that are geared to achieve meaningful, measurable results in less time. After establishing your business case for trust, we help you pinpoint key actionable items.



Our workshops and training sessions engage Reina Trust WorkOuts®: dynamic group discussions that are jam-packed with valuable learning exercises. Sessions include trust-building for workplaces, for teams, for women, for leaders and for training.



Reina's 360 degree Trust Assessments make it happen: showing you where you stand relative to trust in your workplace. This is a signature service and the product of Reina's 25 years of academic research and rigorous testing.

Join the growing list of Organizations who are building and growing Trust

What Reina Trust Practitioners are saying about leading with Trust?

Hear them share the Power of Trust


Renergetics Partners with Reina's

Renergetics Consulting and Reinas (Drs. Michelle and Dennis Reina) have partnered to bring Reinas 25 years of pioneering research to the corporate world and help organisations solve trust-based issues within their workplace.

What people are saying about Reina Trust Building®

"You’ve helped leaders wade through the noise of emotions and general frustrations so they can quickly take action, change behavior, and make a difference. Every executive wants that."

Badger Godwin
Vice President, Global Safety & Security, Starbucks Coffee Company

"The Reina Trust-Building difference has been like night and day for our senior leadership team. Where there was once close mindedness and suspicion of each other, now there’s a genuine blossoming of fresh ideas and better solutions. This has only been made possible through trust. It’s taught us how to stop second-guessing and instead engage each other authentically."

Eric Deschenes
President North America Operations, Schneider Electric

Reina Trust Building, Reina Trust Scale, Three C's, Trust Building are trademarks owned by Reina, Your Trust Building® Consultancy. All other trademarks cited herein are the property of their respective owners.

Renergetics Consulting has partnered with Reina, Your Trust Building Consultancy.


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